View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright 2002-2015 the original author or authors.
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
17  package org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation;
19  import java.util.ArrayList;
20  import java.util.Collection;
21  import java.util.List;
22  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
23  import javax.servlet.http.Part;
25  import org.springframework.core.GenericCollectionTypeResolver;
26  import org.springframework.core.MethodParameter;
27  import org.springframework.http.HttpInputMessage;
28  import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageConverter;
29  import org.springframework.util.Assert;
30  import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult;
31  import org.springframework.web.bind.MethodArgumentNotValidException;
32  import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder;
33  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
34  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
35  import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestPart;
36  import;
37  import org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequest;
38  import;
39  import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException;
40  import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
41  import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartHttpServletRequest;
42  import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartResolver;
43  import;
44  import;
45  import;
46  import org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils;
48  /**
49   * Resolves the following method arguments:
50   * <ul>
51   * <li>Annotated with {@code @RequestPart}
52   * <li>Of type {@link MultipartFile} in conjunction with Spring's {@link MultipartResolver} abstraction
53   * <li>Of type {@code javax.servlet.http.Part} in conjunction with Servlet 3.0 multipart requests
54   * </ul>
55   *
56   * <p>When a parameter is annotated with {@code @RequestPart}, the content of the part is
57   * passed through an {@link HttpMessageConverter} to resolve the method argument with the
58   * 'Content-Type' of the request part in mind. This is analogous to what @{@link RequestBody}
59   * does to resolve an argument based on the content of a regular request.
60   *
61   * <p>When a parameter is not annotated or the name of the part is not specified,
62   * it is derived from the name of the method argument.
63   *
64   * <p>Automatic validation may be applied if the argument is annotated with
65   * {@code @javax.validation.Valid}. In case of validation failure, a
66   * {@link MethodArgumentNotValidException} is raised and a 400 response status
67   * code returned if {@link DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver} is configured.
68   *
69   * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
70   * @author Brian Clozel
71   * @since 3.1
72   */
73  public class RequestPartMethodArgumentResolver extends AbstractMessageConverterMethodArgumentResolver {
75  	public RequestPartMethodArgumentResolver(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters) {
76  		super(messageConverters);
77  	}
80  	/**
81  	 * Supports the following:
82  	 * <ul>
83  	 * <li>annotated with {@code @RequestPart}
84  	 * <li>of type {@link MultipartFile} unless annotated with {@code @RequestParam}
85  	 * <li>of type {@code javax.servlet.http.Part} unless annotated with {@code @RequestParam}
86  	 * </ul>
87  	 */
88  	@Override
89  	public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
90  		if (parameter.hasParameterAnnotation(RequestPart.class)) {
91  			return true;
92  		}
93  		else {
94  			if (parameter.hasParameterAnnotation(RequestParam.class)){
95  				return false;
96  			}
97  			else if (MultipartFile.class.equals(parameter.getParameterType())) {
98  				return true;
99  			}
100 			else if ("javax.servlet.http.Part".equals(parameter.getParameterType().getName())) {
101 				return true;
102 			}
103 			else {
104 				return false;
105 			}
106 		}
107 	}
109 	@Override
110 	public Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,
111 			NativeWebRequest request, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception {
113 		HttpServletRequest servletRequest = request.getNativeRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
114 		assertIsMultipartRequest(servletRequest);
116 		MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest =
117 				WebUtils.getNativeRequest(servletRequest, MultipartHttpServletRequest.class);
119 		String partName = getPartName(parameter);
120 		Object arg;
122 		if (MultipartFile.class.equals(parameter.getParameterType())) {
123 			Assert.notNull(multipartRequest, "Expected MultipartHttpServletRequest: is a MultipartResolver configured?");
124 			arg = multipartRequest.getFile(partName);
125 		}
126 		else if (isMultipartFileCollection(parameter)) {
127 			Assert.notNull(multipartRequest, "Expected MultipartHttpServletRequest: is a MultipartResolver configured?");
128 			arg = multipartRequest.getFiles(partName);
129 		}
130 		else if (isMultipartFileArray(parameter)) {
131 			Assert.notNull(multipartRequest, "Expected MultipartHttpServletRequest: is a MultipartResolver configured?");
132 			List<MultipartFile> files = multipartRequest.getFiles(partName);
133 			arg = files.toArray(new MultipartFile[files.size()]);
134 		}
135 		else if ("javax.servlet.http.Part".equals(parameter.getParameterType().getName())) {
136 			assertIsMultipartRequest(servletRequest);
137 			arg = servletRequest.getPart(partName);
138 		}
139 		else if (isPartCollection(parameter)) {
140 			assertIsMultipartRequest(servletRequest);
141 			arg = new ArrayList<Object>(servletRequest.getParts());
142 		}
143 		else if (isPartArray(parameter)) {
144 			assertIsMultipartRequest(servletRequest);
145 			arg = RequestPartResolver.resolvePart(servletRequest);
146 		}
147 		else {
148 			try {
149 				HttpInputMessage inputMessage = new RequestPartServletServerHttpRequest(servletRequest, partName);
150 				arg = readWithMessageConverters(inputMessage, parameter, parameter.getParameterType());
151 				WebDataBinder binder = binderFactory.createBinder(request, arg, partName);
152 				if (arg != null) {
153 					validateIfApplicable(binder, parameter);
154 					if (binder.getBindingResult().hasErrors() && isBindExceptionRequired(binder, parameter)) {
155 						throw new MethodArgumentNotValidException(parameter, binder.getBindingResult());
156 					}
157 				}
158 				mavContainer.addAttribute(BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + partName, binder.getBindingResult());
159 			}
160 			catch (MissingServletRequestPartException ex) {
161 				// handled below
162 				arg = null;
163 			}
164 		}
166 		RequestPart ann = parameter.getParameterAnnotation(RequestPart.class);
167 		boolean isRequired = (ann == null || ann.required());
169 		if (arg == null && isRequired) {
170 			throw new MissingServletRequestPartException(partName);
171 		}
173 		return arg;
174 	}
176 	private static void assertIsMultipartRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
177 		String contentType = request.getContentType();
178 		if (contentType == null || !contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart/")) {
179 			throw new MultipartException("The current request is not a multipart request");
180 		}
181 	}
183 	private String getPartName(MethodParameter methodParam) {
184 		RequestPart ann = methodParam.getParameterAnnotation(RequestPart.class);
185 		String partName = (ann != null ? ann.value() : "");
186 		if (partName.length() == 0) {
187 			partName = methodParam.getParameterName();
188 			if (partName == null) {
189 				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request part name for argument type [" +
190 						methodParam.getNestedParameterType().getName() +
191 						"] not specified, and parameter name information not found in class file either.");
192 			}
193 		}
194 		return partName;
195 	}
197 	private boolean isMultipartFileCollection(MethodParameter methodParam) {
198 		Class<?> collectionType = getCollectionParameterType(methodParam);
199 		return MultipartFile.class.equals(collectionType);
200 	}
202 	private boolean isMultipartFileArray(MethodParameter methodParam) {
203 		Class<?> paramType = methodParam.getNestedParameterType().getComponentType();
204 		return MultipartFile.class.equals(paramType);
205 	}
207 	private boolean isPartCollection(MethodParameter methodParam) {
208 		Class<?> collectionType = getCollectionParameterType(methodParam);
209 		return (collectionType != null && "javax.servlet.http.Part".equals(collectionType.getName()));
210 	}
212 	private boolean isPartArray(MethodParameter methodParam) {
213 		Class<?> paramType = methodParam.getNestedParameterType().getComponentType();
214 		return (paramType != null && "javax.servlet.http.Part".equals(paramType.getName()));
215 	}
217 	private Class<?> getCollectionParameterType(MethodParameter methodParam) {
218 		Class<?> paramType = methodParam.getNestedParameterType();
219 		if (Collection.class.equals(paramType) || List.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)){
220 			Class<?> valueType = GenericCollectionTypeResolver.getCollectionParameterType(methodParam);
221 			if (valueType != null) {
222 				return valueType;
223 			}
224 		}
225 		return null;
226 	}
229 	/**
230 	 * Inner class to avoid hard-coded dependency on Servlet 3.0 Part type...
231 	 */
232 	private static class RequestPartResolver {
234 		public static Object resolvePart(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) throws Exception {
235 			Collection<Part> parts = servletRequest.getParts();
236 			return parts.toArray(new Part[parts.size()]);
237 		}
238 	}
240 }